I hope everyone has a great weekend. I hope the sun shines today :)
I am playing with my blog so excuse the mess while in transition.
Don't forget to set your clocks up one hour. I love Daylight savings time myself. Being a homeschool mom I stay in school until late and so dark comes quick. With daylight savings time I can take a walk or work in the yard before dark.My husband has bronchitis so we probably will be have a quiet weekend. Have a good one whatever you do. Lisa
Starting in 2007, daylight time begins in the United States on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. On the second Sunday in March, clocks are set ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. local standard time, which becomes 3:00 a.m. local daylight time. On the first Sunday in November, clocks are set back one hour at 2:00 a.m. local daylight time, which becomes 1:00 a.m. local standard time. These dates were established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Pub. L. no. 109-58, 119 Stat 594 (2005).
Not all places in the U.S. observe daylight time. In particular, Hawaii and most of Arizona do not use it. Indiana adopted its use beginning in 2006.
In 2006, daylight time begins on April 2 and ends on October 29.
In 2007, daylight time begins on March 11 and ends on November 4. [New law goes into effect.]
In 2008, daylight time begins on March 9 and ends on November 2.
In 2009, daylight time begins on March 8 and ends on November 1.
Many other countries observe some form of "summer time", but they do not necessarily change their clocks on the same dates as the U.S.
History of Daylight Time in the U.S.
Although standard time in time zones was instituted in the U.S. and Canada by the railroads in 1883, it was not established in U.S. law until the Act of March 19, 1918, sometimes called the Standard Time Act. The act also established daylight saving time, a contentious idea then. Daylight saving time was repealed in 1919, but standard time in time zones remained in law. Daylight time became a local matter. It was re-established nationally early in World War II, and was continuously observed from 9 February 1942 to 30 September 1945. After the war its use varied among states and localities. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 provided standardization in the dates of beginning and end of daylight time in the U.S. but allowed for local exemptions from its observance. The act provided that daylight time begin on the last Sunday in April and end on the last Sunday in October, with the changeover to occur at 2 a.m. local time.
During the "energy crisis" years, Congress enacted earlier starting dates for daylight time. In 1974, daylight time began on 6 January and in 1975 it began on 23 February. After those two years the starting date reverted back to the last Sunday in April. In 1986, a law was passed that shifted the starting date of daylight time to the first Sunday in April, beginning in 1987. The ending date of daylight time was not subject to such changes, and remained the last Sunday in October. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 changed both the starting and ending dates. Beginning in 2007, daylight time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.
Very interesting, Lisa. I just learned recently (from a blog no less!) that not all states observe DST. I always thought all the US did!!
I remember when it started, my grandmother was still alive and refused to change her clocks. She had an old mantle clock that had been in her family for years and she would look at it and say, "That old clock has been going the regular time for years and so have I. I'm too old to change now!!" She never did either!
I personally find it hard to adjust to this time, even though I enjoy the evenings and sitting on the front porch longer at night. Maybe because I'm such a nite owl!! LOL
Thanks for the reminder.I had almost forgotten about it.
Hope you have a wonderful evening!
Thanks for the reminder. I enjoyed my visit to your blog.
Not unti the end of March in England.
I hope your hubby feels better soon!
I am not a fan of daylight savings. I hate losing that hour each Spring! I do like the longer days, though. Like you, it gives us more time after school to do those things we love. I hope you have a great week.
i love the time change. the main reason, is after work, i don't feel like my night is over. i can grill out and hang out on the deck, or still go out and not feel like i have to come home and get into the bed. have a blessed day, email me or call whenever you can!! love,dana
I thought it was early this year when I heard it on the radio as we were traveling.
Hope your husband is feeling better by now.
Have a great week!
My hubby's Granddad never did change his watch or clocks. He was a stubborn old guy, but we loved him.
Doesn't matter to me what they do with the time. There's the same hours of daylight and dark either way, no matter what the clock says. ;o)
Hope you have a good week, Lisa.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your sweet comments on "an old lady"
I came by to visit with you and I like what you are doing with your blog...
the history of day light savings is most interesting...I thought Arizona was the only state that didn't observe DST...
it always takes me two weeks for by body to adjust to the new time...
please come visit with me again,
Good Morning Lisa,
I did set my clock up an hour on Saturday night. Even tho I don't like this time change, I do enjoy it being daylight longer. I just wish we could leave it the other way and it still would stay daylight longer. LOL. Oh well, that's just me tho. "THANK YOU" for the information on the History of Daylight Savings Time. I did know that Hawaii and Arizona doens't do the change. I do know that Indiana does it in the Fall. I think that is what my DH told me. I read your Identity Theft devotion. I'm so glad that I don't have to worry about my Identity being taken away from with GOD. I always try my best so other's can see Jesus thru me. I love the picture of the Christian Driver's License. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hi Lisa!
I just wish they'd leave the time alone! :) My body takes a while to adjust.
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