
Happy Birthday to Our oldest daughter Holly. She turns seventeen today. March 19, God gave us a wonderful gift when he gave us Holly to care for. She is a real Blessing in our life. She is a daughter to brag about for sure! She will not like me saying all this lol but she is a wonderful daughter a loving sister. I Honestly never have to ask her to do chores she loves to clean. She can really cook homemade meals and she does really well in her school work.She takes good care of her pets and is kind to others but most importantly she is a Christian and knows the Lord as her personal saviour. I am just thrilled about that. There is nothing more important you can offer your child that the plan of salvation, the road map to eternal security. I thank God for her presence in my life and for giving her good health and allowing me to be her Mother.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET HOLLY~ Your Daddy and I are so very proud of the respectable decent young lady you have become. May God Bless and keep you safe In His care always.
We Love you Lots!!! Daddy & Mom

Hi Lisa,
A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Holly. She is a beautiful girl and sounds beautiful on the inside too! (And she likes to clean??? Could I borrow her for a week or so? LOL) You have a lot to be proud of and I can tell you are! :o)
Love and Hugs,
Happy Birthday to her!
What a blessing children are and, yes, what a blessing to lead them to Christ!
~ Christina
Happy Birthday Holly!!!!
Happy Birthday to Holly. Yes, we should all be thankful that God gives us children to take care of. That is nice that she is a good kid too.
Hi Lisa,No it is never a dull moment! There is always something going on. I like it that way too.
Happy Birthday to Holly - she's a daughter to be proud of!
Thank you for coming to my blog. Yes, I have been busy but it has been worth it.
I read in your profile that you are in upstate SC. My mom and I want to make a genealogy road trip (maybe in the fall) to Greenville where my uncle lives. Then on to Aiken; our ancestor's are Aikens. If you're in our path, it would be great to meet you!
Good Morning Lisa,
"HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY" to Holly. She sounds like the perfect daughter and I can tell you are very proud of her. So, she likes to clean huh? Can she come and visit me and help me with my unpacking? LOL. Just kidding with ya there. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Thank you all for your Birthday Greetings!
I'm just a tad behind in coming by. I wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog a couple weeks ago. It's always nice to "see" a new face.
Happy belated birthday to your daughter.
Happy birthday, Holly and the photos are beautiful. I enjoy reading your blog.
Happy Easter to you and the family!
Love and Hugs,
Happy Birthday, Holly! God Bless you..
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