WHAT IS A FRIEND? Your Heart is your Love, Your love is your Family , Your family is your Future , Your future is your Destiny , Your destiny is your Ambition, Your ambition is your Aspiration , Your aspiration is your Motivation , Your motivation is your Belief , Your belief is your Peace , Your peace is your Target , Your target is Heaven, Heaven is no fun without FRIENDS!
I cherish all my Family and friends. My husband and daughters are the best!
F - Few R - Relations I - In E - Earth N - Never D - Die

Awww. That's so sweet. Thank you
I'm late today.About to go to bed. Have a good night and God Bless you..
Good Morning Lisa,
I came by the other day and read your post about Helen Keller and was going to leave a comment, but all I got was a black screen and couldn't leave a message. I really enjoyed reading your post about Helen Keller tho. She was indeed a wonderful woman. I always love listening or singing the songs she wrote. Your post today is just awesome. "THANK YOU" for sharing it with us. I'm with you, my DH and daughter's are the best too. My DH is my bestest friend. I love him with all my heart. You are a wonderful friend as well and I am so glad to have come across you. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Thank you for sharing this.
My husband and my children are my dearest friends. What a blessing it is to have family as friends! And what a blessing when the Lord gives a friends outside the family, too. ;o)
~ Christina
That was really cute!
Love ya!
Bless you too, Lisa. You're a good blog friend. Thank you so much for your prayers. I had a much better day today and I know it's because of prayers.
Love and Hugs,
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