I am going to take a short blogger break until school is out. I will try and post when I can. This is a busy time with the school year ending in May.
We have been getting some much needed rain here. I finally got all my flowers planted for the summer but with the flowers there are the weeds. The weeds keep me busy.
I will be visiting blogs as much as time allows. I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying this beautiful weather.
Take Care, Lisa
Dear Lisa, hope you have a great break. Look forward to seeing you back. Have a great day and God bless. connie from Texas
Look forward to seeing your blogs when you come back from a blog break. This is a busy time of year for us too. Baseball season, end of school, yard work, getting pool ready, I have to finish staining my deck from last year. If my daughter was not injured from track would be busy going to those meets as well. Enjoy your planting time and end of school time.
Have a good break.. Enjoy and hope to see you soon..
I understand the need for breaks especially with the warmer weather and the busyness it brings. I don't post as often as I use to. Sometimes it can become almost a chore and I don't want that to happen...you know?
Anyway have a nice break and look forward to your next post.....
Hi Lisa!
Thanks for coming over and visiting my blog....but I just thought I should let you know that I've moved the weight loss blog over to http://losealltheweight-2008.blogspot.com/
There are a few christian moms (most are homeschoolers as well) that are trying to lose and we try to encourage each other.
I LOVE weight Watchers and it has worked very well for me. I'm in the home stretch now.
I wish you had happened by a little earlier....some of us started a fun competition a few weeks ago to see who could remain faithful to whatever plan they chose for the longest.
Have fun those last few weeks of school! It is a bit of a mad rush, isn't it?
Karen in Michigan
Hi Lisa hope you at least enjoy yourself some during your break!! Thank you so for coming by!! Have a great day!!~Wendy
I'm trying to visit around and catch back up with everyone this morning. I am right there with ya on the school finishing. It seems like we've picked up speed rather than slowing down! Good luck to you and your girls, and have a wonderful week-end!
Blessings and hugs,
Enjoy your bloggy break! I'll miss your posts.
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