Dartboard or Pipeline
“ Don’t let life happen to you. Let life happen through you.”
Sometimes we tend to see life as something coming at us, sort of like a worn out dartboard. We use all our energies to shield ourselves from the darts of life’s trials.
If you let life happen through you instead of dodging life’s fiery darts and let God’s life and love be channeled through you, blessing you on it’s way to blessing others.
If you choose to become God’s pipeline instead of life’s dartboard you will live more effectively for Him.
Some days I know I revert to being a dartboard but I soon run out of the love and power to bless others. Then through confession, faith and obedience, I reconnect myself to my heavenly supply center and resume pipeline living.
In his letter to Colossians, Paul mentioned the many troubles he was facing. Yet he was determined to be a channel of blessing by allowing God to work through him.
What about you? Are you a dartboard or a pipeline? It’s a challenge and a choice for every believer.
Colossians 1 : 29 Whereunto I also a labour, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
God Blesses you to Bless others!
Have a beautiful weekend.
That was really an interesting post. You got me on my soap box.
On another note; Your traffic feed said I'm from Houston Texas thats funny because I'm really an hour south of Houston lol. Well any way, you know who's "calling" from Houston now ;).
Have a great weekend.
This is good. I know that I have been guilty of dreading certain days or planned activities instead of anticipating and using them for God's glory.
Thanks for the inspiration this morning.. God Bless you and have a great weekend!
Oh boy. Today... I'm the dartboard. Tomorrow, or hopefully in just a little bit, I will be a pipeline.
Thank you for sharing. Another thing I really needed to read
Have a lovely weekend.
My soul wants to always be the pipeline, but alas I am sometimes the dartboard.
Have a blessed weekend!
Love and Hugs!
Good Morning Lisa,
I really enjoyed this inspirational post. I do the same thing sometimes, but then I have to realize what I am doing and remind myself that I need to be GOD'S Pipeline and not a dartboard. I think we all just get sidetracked sometimes. I have somethings for you on my post for today. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I have to admit that many times I am the dartboard. But I strive to be the pipeline!! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! Have a blessed week!
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