My sweet friend Patti over at Nonna's News awarded me with this blog award. Thanks Patti :)
Once an award is received,the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4.Add links to those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blog
I really don't like to pick out certain people but I will pick seven this time.
So here goes in random order.
1.My daughters over at The Two Sister's Blog spot
2.Stephanie from Mississippi Song Bird
3.Crystal over at A Hoppin Place To Be
4.Tammy from Lattes And LollyPops
5.Kristi over at Thimble Thoughts
6.Mrs Janice from Maw Maw's House
7.Shelly from Dance Like nobody's watching
I tried to give this to people that I haven't passed an award to recently or ever.
If you would kindly remember me when your praying On Monday about 10.00am I would appreciate it very much. I will be having a cardio stress test. God Knows every need we have but I covet all prayers that are sent up on my behalf. I am just thrilled when I go to peoples blog that I know have been sick and facing one trial or another and see God's people's prayers have been answered. That to me makes this blogging all the more worth wild! I know that Prayer changes things!
Blessings always~

Good luck on Monday!! I'll be praying for you!!
Hello Lisa,
Thank you so much for your comment about the ugly comment someone has left me.
I had no idea until my son called and found it while at work and called Kristi and told her. She was here and immediately went to the computer and read then deleted it so that I would not see it. But she does know who left the comment and has replied to who ever left the message.
At this time I don't need to read any ugly thing that people have to say.
Love you and knaow that we will be praying for you and about all of these test you will be having.
I will be praying for you.
Thank you for the award, Lisa. That was so sweet.
I'll be praying for you Monday!! I'm sure everything will be fine. You're right...God knows every need.
Love you,
My prayers arew with you, Sweety... and thank you so much for the sweet award... I'll wear it in my side bar..Yes, God is so good to us..
Bunches of hugs.....Stephanie
Thank you for including me in the award, Lisa! It's so sweet of you!
I will definitely pray for you!
Have a great weekend!! Its gonna be a quiet one at my house!
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