Frederick M. Lehman; he wrote this song in 1917 in Pasadena, California, and it was published in Songs That Are Different, Volume 2, 1919. The lyrics are based on the Jewish poem Haddamut, written in Aramaic in 1050 by Meir Ben Isaac Nehorai, a cantor in Worms, Germany; they have been translated into at least 18 languages.
One day, during short intervals of inattention to our work, we picked up a scrap of paper and, seated upon an empty lemon box pushed against the wall, with a stub pencil, added the (first) two stanzas and chorus of the song…Since the lines (3rd stanza from the Jewish poem) had been found penciled on the wall of a patient’s room in an insane asylum after he had been carried to his grave, the general opinion was that this inmate had written the epic in moments of sanity.
Frederick M. Lehman, “History of the Song, The Love of God,” 1948
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.
When years of time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men, who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God’s love so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
The saints’ and angels’ song.
Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.
Lisa, this was so fascinating...I know that song, and also remember singing this last chorus with my parents in churches when I was little...it is so beautiful.
Hope you had a happy 4th...
I love that song. Right after my brother died, Missy Lail sang this in church the Wed night after his funeral. Everytime I hear it I think of how GREAT God is to get us THROUGH those times in our lives.
hey sugar, thanks for commenting to me. you are so sweet.i love this post. it is great info about this song!!love and hugs!!!
Hello Lisa & family,
So glad that you guys had a good 4th.
That song is sooooo beautiful and the words are wonderful to just read and let your mind meditate on.
The Love of God is far better than words could ever tell.
Love the pic of you guys.
In Christ,
Maw Maw Birt
That really is a beautiful song. I hope you and your family had a wonderful 4th!
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