I hope everyone has had a wonderful Wednesday. I just wanted to thank everyone who said prayers for me. My stress test came back good with nothing suspicious and no blockages. Praise God for that! Heart trouble runs in my family but God is good and I have escaped it so far.
Please pray for my Mom she will be having spinal surgery on Monday at Spartanburg Regional. She has a bulging disc and spurs. She has been in a lot of pain.
Wade's Mom is home but she really is not physically better but they thought she may do better mentally to be in her own surroundings. I hope she is able to stay home.
Summer is really flying by but I have to say although I am enjoying a break from school, I am ready to get back to school and a normal routine. Have a great day and thanks so much for coming by and praying for me. (((Hugs))) Lisa

So glad to hear your tests came back good!
It wont be long and you will be able to get back into your routine.Im ready for fall to get here and enjoy some cooler weather!
Have a blessed week!
So great to get the good report! I did pray for you!
Praying for your mom, now, as well...
Glad that the test results came back good.
Happy Birthday Lisa!!!!
Congrats on the good results. have a great night
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