There are many things about summer that I love and the heat is not one of them. I suppose that is why I like things that are cold in the summer time. I love cold watermelon, strawberries or any cold fruit and drinks.I love a good glass of ice cold lemonade in crushed ice.
I enjoy trips to the mountains even though it is just as hot there as it is here at times. But the nights are cooler because of the humdity difference for the higher elevation. I enjoy our annual trip to the Cowpens battleground for their reenactment and big fourth of July celebration. I love summer flowers that bloom, if they can make it in this summer heat.I do not like having to stay inside so much because of the heat. The sweet smell pf the magnolia blosssom is so nice. I'd rather be outside in my flowers or walking. If you turn your oven on to cook it heats up the whole house. Thank the Lord for AC and the good rain we have been having and need more of.
Wade's Mom will more than likely be going to a nursing home. The doctors think her brain was deprived from oxygen to long and caused brain damage. So just pray for the Lord's will to be done.
We purchased our school books for the new year.I can't believe my oldest daughter will be a senior and my baby girl will be a sophomore. Wow where does the time go?
I am looking forward to a great school year. God has Blessed us with the ability to home school for almost eleven years and I would not trade this experience for anything.I am very proud of my daughters and the dedication they show to their school work and their Christian life as well. Have a great weekend.

I love all those same things about summer! Those strawberries and lemonade look delish! You have two beautiful daughters, and although I dont know them, I can just tell they are sweet, wonderful girls!
Thank you for sweet comment and your friendship.The girl's enjoy your comments as well!
your summer delights sound and look so inviting...I too do not look forward to the heat of summer...
it will be exciting to have a senior homeschooling this year...
blessings on your summer...
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about Brother Wade's mama. I know these are always tough decisions for the families. I'll be praying for y'all.
I love all those good things about summer too and we have been very blessed this week with all the rain we've gotten. I thank the Lord for each one we've had!
Hi Lisa!
I enjoyed reading this and seeing the pictures of your summer so far!
I just got back from my visit to my mom's (haven't posted yet but hopefully tomorrow!) and she and I and the girls enjoyed a lot of summertime things, too...
I can only imagine how it must feel to have your girls about to be a sophomore and a senior this next year...I loved what you said about them and they sound like they are as beautiful inside as they are out!
My nine year is suddenly in a growth spurt and I really see her shooting up...it's a big realty check for me on how quickly they do grow up!
The things you love about summer are some of the same things that I like.
I am sorry to hear about your husband Mom. I am still praying.
Your girls are really growing up fast now. The next years will go even quicker. Have fun each day. Thank you for being so sweet. connie from texas
Oh, I lve your post about summer. I especially love the watermelon and how about the cucumbers and dip.. That's my favorite. YUMMY. I'm hungry now.. and It's nearly lunch, so that's good. Have a great week..
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