I hope everyone is staying cool. It has been in the high ninety's here for the last week or so and from the weather forecast looks like it is going to be that way again this week.
My husband and my girl's treated me to a special weekend of dining out and shopping on tax free weekend. We found a few good bargains.
I have also been getting the school room organized and ready for another year of school.It is to hot to go outside and do anything.
Well I just wanted to post a little something so my blog would not be so boring :)
I got a George foreman lean machine indoor grill for my birthday. Does anyone have any good grilling recipes. We did some marinated turkey breasts today, they were delicious.
My Mom came through her surgery OK and should be able to go home soon. Thank you all for your prayers. God is able!
I hope everyone has a great week. Blessings Lisa
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!
I'm glad to hear that your mom came thru her surgery ok.
Take care and have a blessed week!
hi Lisa, its been a while since i have been by! I have been super busy! Its been so hot here to. Take care
I'm glad to hear your mom's surgery went well. That's an answer to prayer!
Try this site and see if you can find something you like. I always do good with kraft.com.
Happy belated Birthday!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend!
~ Christina
glad you had a Happy Birthday...and I am so happy your mom came through her surgery well...
Happy belated birthday wishes to you! I hope it was wonderful!
It's been so hot here, too, and I'm thinking I need to hang out in my basement and do some of that school planning as you are.
Glad your mother is doing well.
I am glad that your Mom is doing good after her surgery. May she continue to do well.
We had a tropical storm in our area this morning but all is well. It was far enough away that we got some good rain that was needed and no one was hurt where it did come in. Have a great day. connie from Texas
So glad your mom is doing fine!
We've been in the 90's this week too...and coming on the heels of unusually cool temps!
My school room is organized now, too...just need to organize my plans and still buy a few books! But somehow this summer is zooming by too fast for me! ;)
Hey Lisa,
Glad that your Mom is doing better.
Sounds like you had a great birthday and some well deserved spoiling.
Grilling on George! HMMM not sure of any recipes.
Have fun getting the room ready for school.
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