In the brink of all the hurricanes brewing I felt lead to post about God being in control.PSALM 90:2 says that Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to ever lasting, thou art God.
God is eternal. God is all wise and all powerful. He stands above time because He is the author of time. He stands outside all history because He is the ultimate arbiter of heaven's history. Though God allows earthly rulers to make decisions, He is the one shaping the destiny of the nations. He is the one in ultimate control. He controls the weather in like manner.
Solomon says this in Prov.21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water:He turneth it whither soever He will. When things in life seem out of control, it could be the weather or just a personal experience always remember God is always in control. He knows what tomorrow holds. John 14:-1 says Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Isaac Watts captured this thought well in his beloved hymn "Oh God, Our Help In Ages Past."
"O God, our help in ages past
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home!
Under the shadow of Thy throne,
Still may we dwell secure;
Sufficient is Thine arm alone,
And our defense is sure."
Here is That promise of eternal truth. God is our shelter in the time of storm. I pray that our friends on the coast will trust in the Lord to see them through the storms and keep us safe here at home. May God Bless and keep you in his care.

"Prov.21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water:He turneth it whither soever He will."
Lisa, this has been a favorite scripture that comes to mind while praying for those that seem so hard.
I like what you said about God being in control. I am so glad He is. I praise Him for not allowing the last storm to be any worse than it was! He definitely kept it under His control.
This is beautiful and so true. If we give our problems over to him, he will take care of them. Always. Bunches of hugs and God Bless you..
Dear Lisa,
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Now here I am at your sweet blog. I am in an emotional disastr zone right now. Battles with my 10 year old daughter. This child is my colourful child. Everywhere we turn is a wall or mountain to climb over.
so when I came onto your blog and the song started to play, I felt the warmth of the Lord's love wash over me afresh.
I will be back. I will be a frequent visitor and just sitting and resting, listening and reading, quietens my soul and ministers to me.
Thank you dear sister.
hugs Sandra
Hello! I just came over from Sandra's blog. This is a wonderful post!
God is in control and I would not want to be someone who goes through all those huricanes. Glad that I live here in Michigan for sure.
Thank you Lisa for praying for those that are in more need than me. I have family in some of the areas that have affected by the storms. My brother works off shore and he's home safe. I have enjoyed your blog and I'm here every day. Thank you for visiting my new blog. If nothing else I practice patience and sooth my soul. My family also thanks you for all your prayers......k
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