1(16-ounce)Package of bow tie pasta
2 Green onions, chopped
1 (6-ounce)Package crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup Balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cups fresh tomato(chopped)
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Add pasta and cook 8 to 10 minutes.Drain and place in ice water to cool.
Toss pasta with onion,feta,balsamic vinegar,olive oil and tomato and whatever you want to add.
Serve immediately or chill 1 to 2 hours in refrigerator.
Enjoy :) Makes about 8 servings.
I made this healthy Bow tie recipe today and I thought I would share it with you. I substituted a purple onion instead of the green onion. I added chopped black olives as well.I did not add as much Balsamic vinegar.I used about 1/4 Cup and add the olive oil to your taste. I could only find a 12 oz box of the bow tie pasta.I really liked this recipe and you can add and take away to suit your taste.
1(16-ounce)Package of bow tie pasta
2 Green onions, chopped
1 (6-ounce)Package crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup Balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cups fresh tomato(chopped)
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Add pasta and cook 8 to 10 minutes.Drain and place in ice water to cool.
Toss pasta with onion,feta,balsamic vinegar,olive oil and tomato and whatever you want to add.
Serve immediately or chill 1 to 2 hours in refrigerator.
Enjoy :) Makes about 8 servings.
I made this healthy Bow tie recipe today and I thought I would share it with you. I substituted a purple onion instead of the green onion. I added chopped black olives as well.I did not add as much Balsamic vinegar.I used about 1/4 Cup and add the olive oil to your taste. I could only find a 12 oz box of the bow tie pasta.I really liked this recipe and you can add and take away to suit your taste.
That looks so delicious! Thanks for sharing this recipe.. And it's so pretty too..
Bunches of hugs...
Good Morning Lisa,
Oh my goodness, your Bowtie recipe sounds so good. I love the look of the Bowtie Pasta. I have fixed Bowtie Pasta before, but the girls didn't really care for it for some reason. I loved it. I put Spaghetti Sauce on the top of my Bowtie Pasta. That may be why they didn't care for it too much. I will have to try your recipe sometime. "THANK YOU" for sharing your recipe with us. I haven't done anymore posting. Since my DH has been home, I have felt the need to spend my time with him. Hopefully next week things will get back to normal and I'll start posting on a regular basis again. I have never tried the Feta Cheese. They don't have it here at our local grocery store. Maybe next time I go to Jonesboro I'll look for it and give it a try. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
It sounds just delicious! I am just finding out how good feta cheese is, and I was looking for something other than tossed salad to use it in. Thanks for sharing this.
Hi Lisa! This looks yummy!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!
This has two of my very favorite ingredients in it - feta cheese and balsamic vinegar! I can't wait to try it. I keep bowtie pasta and use it for everything because my girls love the way it looks.
Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
Mmmm, mmmmm, MMMMMM, that looks good!
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