My friend Christina over at HsKubes's Haven at Home is hosting a fall back to school give away. Go on over and visit her beautiful blog and enter her giveaway if you like. You will really enjoy you visit there. Christina has a precious family and she is such a Christian encouragement to me as well as a wonderful homemaker and home school Mom.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. We had a great school week. Thank you my sweet friends for your prayers. I really felt them this week. God is so good! The apple festival is this weekend in Hendersonville, NC. We usually go but the last year we went there was so many people you literally walked on top of each other and since I am claustrophobic that was not fun even if I did get to go into the Mast General store :) It feels to hot for apple picking time.

Congrats on school being back in session.
Apples!!! YUMMY!!!!
I love the cider and donuts and cooler weather too. I really like the fall season. Will be fun going to the orchards and patches in October
Well, because of all of the Doctor visits we have done very little school,(depending on hurricane Gustav) We will get back to it come Tuesday.
Hi Lisa!
So glad your first week of school went well! We're not going to be starting full time until the 9th...
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Rejoicing with you in a good week of school!
Oh, how I would LOVE to go to an apple orchard. We're here on the coast so there are no orchards (that I know of). Hope y'all enjoy your time there!
Thanks for participating.
And thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words. What a blessing they were!
Enjoy your holiday weekend
and have a blessed Lord's Day tomorrow!
~ Christina
I am sooo looking forward to fall too! Cool evenings around a fire is pure bliss. And football games...my favorite excuse for being outdoors in the fall. :)
Hope your homeschool week goes well.
Hot cider and cool evenings sound perfect!
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