I have a question for you. I have grown up around what my Granny called hens and chickens (Sempervivum) I know they're are different types and colors but I have never had any to sprout out like these in the pictures above. Have any of you had this type? If so what do you call them?I knew my thumb was green but wow these have really grown.
Holly drove us around today. She decided to put her permit to some use and drive to the mall. We live near a very busy city so she is getting broke in good but she prefers the interstate driving. She did a good job but I am glad we didn't rush her into driving. I worry about the young driving age for teens. Katie will be driving soon to.
I hope ya'll have a great Labor Day. We are going to hang around home and grill out and maybe take a long walk. Enjoy your day. Lisa

Sounds like a nice relaxing Labro Day!
Happy Labor Day to you to!
We mostly hung around home today, too...hope your family had a nice, relaxing Labor Day!
Hope you had a great labor day:)
My mother always had this in her garden. She called it hens and chickens too. I don't know any other name for them other than the Latin name.
I hope youm had a nice Labor Day too. I will be gladsorta) when my son can drive legally.I hate to go into town for stuff that I forget..But of course, I know I will be on pins and needles til he comes back.. Have a Happy week too..
It was so good to hear from you. Hope you had a good Labor Day.Good luck with your teen learning to drive.I have been though two driving.They both did well,I am sure yours will also.Just add brakes to your side.LOL Have a good week. God Bless.
When I was able to drive after getting license, I thought that I could drive anywhere and not a problem. Also, when my daughter went through driving, I got all nervous and not ready for it. She did fine, but I can't protect her or have control like when I drive.
Hello Lisa,
Thank you for visiting my blog.
I too love the picture of the cat after eating because that is how I feel after I eat.
It does not have to be on Sunday's either.
Please pray that I will choose the correct foods to eat daily and that God will help me in every thing I try to do for him on a daily schedule.
Love you,
Mama Birt
Your hens and chicks are beautiful! Enjoy them and the extra frills they've grown :-)
Tammy ~@~
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