My friend Stepanie from the Mississippi song bird blog Tagged me.I'm supposed to give you 7 random facts about me..
then tag 7 people. Here are the rules...
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
These are seven random facts about me:
1- I am happily married Christian Homeschool Mom of two teenage daughters.
2- I enjoying cooking, flower gardening, decorating our home..
3- Long walks with my husband of 18 yrs(whom I adore) and the dogs ;0)
4- I have two sisters one is 41 and one is 5 :) big age difference huh
5- I enjoy traveling and visiting historical places, I have been to several presidents homes.
(My daughters were able to shake hands with former president Bill Clinton last week.
6 - My first job was before I graduated High school at the young age of 15, I worked in a nursing home as a Nurse's Assistant. I really love the elderly and children.
7-I really don't not know any weird things about me lol I do enjoying blogging and making new friends. Thanks for tagging me Stephanie :) I love people and I love the Lord. He has Blessed my family and I so much!
I really dont like tagging people but if you would like to do this, it is a great way for your blogger friends to get to know you better.So your TAGGED!! Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you for going along with the tag.. What a cool entry too..
That is neat that your daughters were able to shake the presidents hand..They will always remember that.
and your family sounds like mine..
Thanks again.. bunches of hugs...
I loved reading about you...don't all of us need to be weird...lol!
Believe it or not when Bill Clinton and Al Gore were campaigning for their second term they made it to our tiny corner of Ky...my daughter shook hands will Bill and my son shook hands with Al...they were thrilled!
I too started as a nurse assistant at the tender age of 17 and worked in a hospital at the time. The head nurse told me always to treat the patient like they were my Mother and that is just what I did!
My children have aunts and uncles the same age as them...lol...Hubby's dad got a start with a new wife that was just 6 years older than Hubby...lol!
You have a great day!
Thank you for sharing! It gives us a little more of a peek inside your world. I like learning more about people, and I love how the Lord has brought us all together in this way.
Have a wonderful week-end!
Hi! I love reading those things about you - it really helps get to know you better.
Thank you SO much for your prayers and concern over Whitney. I'm sorry I haven't visited lately, but I'm getting back into to the swing of things now.
Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.
It is great to get to know a little more about you. We have several president's libraries not far from where I live. Hope you have a good week, Lisa, connie from Texas
Hi Lisa,
I enjoyed learning about you. Thanks so much for posting on my Treasures to Meblog. I enjoyed your comments.
Be sure to stop by Mary's Writing Nook to find out about our Christmas Blessings program and to have your name entered for my Christmas book giveaway.
You have a sister that is 5?? Wow lol that is a big age difference ;)
Thanks for posting this, it was fun to read.
Nice to get to know you better. I will not take on this challenge as I have already done 100 things plus others.
Yes, bit age difference. I didn't know you had a little sister...A very little sister. LOL
And, uh....did the girls wash their hands after shaking hands with Bill? LOL
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