We took a trip to the Blue RIDGE Parkway this past weekend and it was well AWESOME!The foliage was just beautiful. I love the Red shades but all the colors were beautiful.
We took our dog Harley along, she loves to ride and the girls cannot leave her for long periods of time. The weather was gorgeous. My husband enjoys the tunnels and driving his car around the curves. I hope everyone has a great week and thanks so much for the nice comments. Lisa ^A^
I love those pictures. and I love the Fall..
Glad you had a good time..
I have tagged you , to tell 7 random things about yourself..
See my blog for the scoop. I hope you'll play along..
Have a great day...
I love to take a drive like this and "oohh and ahhh" all along the way! My Hubby drives too fast for me to get all the pictures I want though...lol!
Oh, that's one of our favorite things to do....ride the parkway! And my husband sounds like yours....he LOVES to go through tunnels (and yell out the window ;0), do all men do this?)
Harley is the cutest thing! We miss our little Abby. She was with us 14 years. She was a maltese/pom mix. I enjoyed the pictures on the sidebar, too!
Pretty, pretty! Love those fall colors!
I LOVE that parkway! We used to go up there all the time when I was little.
Your pictures were lovely and I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip.
Beautiful! I love fall! Glad you had a nice family ride together. I love moments like that. :-)
Looks like a beautiful place to visit.The pictures are very nice.
Oh! The BlueRidge Parkway, such memories I have. How fortunate you are to live near.
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