The weekend was good here our weather was windy and cold but the sky was blue and beautiful. We were able to attend a church service yesterday where Presidentail hopeful
Mike Huckabee was preaching. This is a link to the video of the sermon. He left out politics completely no press were allowed in the church and it was a very good message. His message was about Atonement. Forgetting the past..I took a few notes and thought I would share some. He quoted that he as a child had a pet bird Cookie and cookie died and like most young lads he was curious about death being buried etc. So he proceeds to dig cookie up ugh! He talked about how awful cookie looked after being in the cold ground for a few days and used this to Illustrate the fact that we should not dig up sins that haven been forgiven. "Things that have been buried look worse when you dig them up" He really has a way with words. I was really touched my his sermon and I genuinely believe he is a Christian! God forgives us of our sins so why do we dig them up again? Don't revisit Sin..
Ephesians 1:7 KJVIn whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; I don't want to be reminded of my sins and I thank My God for bearing them on an old. rugged cross!If you don't know Christ as your personal saviour today. I pray you will one day soon!

We stopped in for Sunday dinner at one of favorite places to eat good homemade southern food.
Wade's family restaurant. Which beat out Paula Deen's Restaurant "
The Lady and Son's" In Southern Living Magazine. I have eaten at both places and I like have to say I like Paula's fried Chicken and macaroni and cheese better but Wade's has her beat on Yeast rolls and one my favorites Turkey & Dressing and the sides. They also have great salads! So if your get the opportunity stop in at Wade's you want leave hungry!Holly made a very yummy Chocolate cake last night.The cake part was so light for a made from scratch cake. It was the
$300 cake recipe. I gave in and now I need to go run it off. I appreciate each of you who visit and may God bless you.
Hi Lisa,
Just wanted to thank you for your kind words on my blog.
It sounds like you had a great weekend. Good preaching and fellowship and yummy chocolate cake, what more could a lady ask for. Hope you have a great week too. God Bless.
That's pretty neat that you got to hear a presidential candidate preach!
I'm glad you had such a delicious dinner. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Good Morning Lisa,
Wow, I had no idea that Mike Huckabee could preach. That was so neat you got to hear him preach and that he didn't say anything about politics. I remember once when my Sister was going to College, Bill Clinton was Govenor then, and he spoke at the Graduation Ceremony. I got to have my picture made with him afterwards. I still have it somewhere, but I thought that was neat as well. I so love Paula Deen. My Sister has eaten at her "Lady & Son's" Restaurant before and she loved it. I have never heard of Wade's before. Take care my friend and and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
I think it's neat you were able to hear Mike Huckabee preach and it was a blessing to hear that he kept the main thing the main thing for Sunday worship service. That says a lot about him right there!
The cake sounds delish and I MUST try this Wade's Restaurant! lol
Wow...that sure sounds like it was a blessing.....FUNNY how this didn't make the network news....???
and his sermon point...EXCELLANT...don't know IF you have read my Sept 30th post....
Your meal sounds yummmmy......
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I look forward to reading more on your blog. I would love to try Wade's. I have never heard of it. Sounds delicious
Thank you for sharing your 'notes'.
Sounds like a yummy place to eat. ;o) So glad you enjoyed your weekend.
Thank you for your kind words that you left. They were a blessing.
Enjoy your week ~
That was sure a good thing to hear about Huckabee. You notes were very good. Wade's sounds like my kind of place to eat. Hope I can oneday. connie from Texas
How neat that you were able to attend this service! Sounds like a good message.
I've got to go eat something now that you've talked about all that yummy food!! Hmmm~wonder what's in the fridge. ;-)
HI Lisa, thanks for stopping by my blog, I enjoyed reading yours,
what an honor to have heard Mr. Huckabee preach a sermon.
I don't think we have any Wades resturants here in Mich, but they sound delightful...
I admire the fact that he did not speak about politics! How neat that you got to hear him.
I've never eaten at Paula's and never heard of Wade's, but now I'm really thinking I need to try them! They sound delicious!
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