My New Year Prayer
I pray dear Lord in your Holy name for the ability to always put You (Jesus) first in my heart and In my life.I feel so unworthy of my Lord but he supplies all my needs. Help me Lord to study your word the(Bible)each and every day and use your words to uplift and glorify your name.I pray this new year will bring good health and happiness to my family and friends. I ask for guidance as I try to train up two teenagers in your likeness Dear Lord and though I fail at the this quite often, They make me very proud to be their mother.
I ask you to comfort hearts of dear family and friends that have lost loved ones this year Lord. I know the pain they feel but with your help Lord they will see brighter days.
I pray for my dear husband that his health holds fast and his job stays secure.Lord help us meet our financial needs for our home and school. I ask that your convict the hearts of my unsaved loved ones Lord. I pray that this will be the year that they turn their hearts to you dear Lord. I want to be a better witness for you dear Lord this year. Help me Lord to find those in need, a neighbor, friend or family member.Open my eyes to those around me and help to be a better person.Please help me dear Lord to lose weight and exercise so My health Issues will Improve. I think besides the devil food is my biggest weakness. I love to eat and cook and feed those I love. I just need to learn to do this healthier.I pray dear Lord that you will help my mouth to only say kind words for my tongue is another tool the devil uses to make me sin. Lord be with leaders and those that protect our country here in the US and abroad. I pray that you give their families comfort as well.I ask you dear Lord to lead my family to a good Bible believing church with a warm loving church family and good Christian friends for my daughters In 2008. I pray that revival fires will strike up all over the land and World peace some how will become a reality! For I know Through Christ All things are possible! I do not know what this new year holds for my family and I dear Lord but I know with your love and guidance we will get through whatever you have in store for us. I love you dear Jesus Please lead guide and direct me in your ways. In your name ( Jesus )AMEN
Amen!! Very nice post.
I wanted to pop on over and thank you for visiting me recently and for your sweet comments!!
Happy New Year!
Inspiring post, as usual.. and Yes, Lord, be with our leaders!
Have a great weekend!
Very good post! I always enjoy reading your blog!!!
this post is really sweet and everthing that you prayed for is pretty much the same things i am praying for this year. i want to commend you on your urge to get the girls a sewing machiene. i would love to have one myself. that is something i have always wanted to learn!! love and prayers to ya!! dana
Thanks so much for sharing this thoughtful prayer. Blessings to you in this coming year.
I’m looking forward to browsing your blog.
Come visit http://heartofwisdom.com/blog.
I also have a new blog to help Christian bloggers learn how to get more traffic. http://heartofwisdom.com/Blogginghelp.
Robin @ heartofwisdom
Happy New Year Lisa! How long can we continue saying that??
Thanks for stopping by today. I love that song you posted. And your New Year's menu is typical of the southern traditional meal. We always have beans on New Years. But we are not black eyed pea fans so we do chilli. It is a bit of our northern years showing through.
Have a great week!
Hey Lisa, trust you had a good
christmas and i wish you all the very best for this new year in Christ.
Hi Lisa!
I found your blog (and your daughters' blog) through Jessica's Journal. We home school too and are hopefully going to Cowpens to see the reenactment there on January 19. I left a comment on your girls' blog too. I enjoyed their post!
I have enjoyed my visit to your blog here today. It sure looks like you have been cooking up some delicious food lately! Keep up the good work! Hope to stop by sometime again soon!
Happy New Year!
And Lisa, I forgot to mention that I loved your prayer for the New Year. It is is beautiful. And it looks like we have the same issues with food - loving to eat and cook for those we love! Hope to be back soon.
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