The girls received a sewing machine for Christmas and they are learning to sew. They have did very well. The both made aprons and they made Harley a blanket and now they are working on making a night gown for themselves. They really love it and I am so glad because I did not like to sew at their age because I had lots of trouble with my sewing =machine :)But I did catch on to the basics of a sewing machine but I have say I stay downstairs when they sew so I cannot take any credit for this project. I love to cross stitch but I haven't did any of that in years. I remember going with my grandmother as a young girl to a ladies house for a quilting bee and they let me sew and I thought that was just grand. I used to look up under the quilt to watch all their needles go up and down. Those ladies could do some talking and snuff dipping lol. Oh the Funny things we do and remember when we are young. I did make a quilt thought and I was very proud of it. I Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying these warm temperatures if your in the south. We have been taking some long walks after school and enjoying it. I Left some pictures for you to share. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment! ((((HUGS))))
1 comment:
I'm excited that your girls are learning to sew. I love to sew, but wasn't taught by my mother (who is an excellent seamstress). I taught myself after I had my first baby. I also crochet and cross stitch. I've done a little needlepoint, but couldn't really get into it. I've also tried to knit, but for the life of me I can't get the hang of two needles!
The girls' projects are cute!
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